The practical application of psychology may sound like a complex and varied topic that’s beyond the understanding of the average person. Yet, that’s often not the case at all. For example, you might know you feel better when you exercise or spend some time socializing with friends. While these are common sense cause-and-effect thoughts, they’re also applications of psychological principles.
Health psychology recognizes the important role that psychological processes play in your physical health. While it’s a strong field of study behind the scenes, it’s only beginning to emerge practically in the clinical field, but it’s central to the core treatment philosophies at Wellness Road Psychology. As specialists in health psychology applications, our professionals provide a path to help you unify physical, emotional, and mental health.
Defining health psychology
The human experience combines your physical body with your mental state and your role in society. Health psychologists look at how these conditions interact and how they influence each other. The goal is to discover how psychology can influence positive changes in your health.
For example, it’s common knowledge that the discipline of dieting is hard, even when you understand how weight loss and healthy eating can positively improve your overall health. For example, if you’re a stress eater, your emotional state can affect your discipline, and thus your wellbeing. Health psychology seeks workarounds to bring your mental state in line with other aspects of your life.
5 ways health psychology can help you
There’s a long list of specific situations with which health psychology can help. If you want to quit smoking, for instance, health psychology may produce answers about your motivations that help you succeed now where in the past you’ve failed. Working with our counselors, you can tailor treatment to meet your needs.
1. Stress management
Your body’s physical response to stress is meant to be short duration, to help you through a dangerous situation. Everyday chronic stress begins to take a toll through the chemical changes on your body. Health psychology can help change your emotional response to stress.
2. Health recovery
Getting over an injury or illness isn’t always as easy as letting tissue heal. You need to find the motivation to follow a physical therapy plan, or keeping a positive mindset could be a challenge.
3. Coping with health
Living with chronic conditions can also be a mental health challenge, whether your issue is pain, fallout from illness or injury, or changes experienced as a result of a condition. Talk therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy can help you cope with these burdens.
4. Prevention
There’s no question that eating a nutritious diet or gaining control over a habit like smoking is good for wellness. Health psychology offers you the tools to help you make the changes necessary to prevent future illness.
5. Maintenance
Staying on track has its own challenges. You can benefit from health psychology concepts to consolidate and maintain the goals you’ve already achieved.
Learn more about the benefits of health psychology in session with one of our expert therapists. Contact the nearest office, by phone or online, to schedule your initial consultation now.